Sparking Joy

Tidying Your Home with Brother and The KonMari Method®

Using the Brother P-Touch Cube, certified KonMari® consultant Esther Tan tidies three common spaces in most homes.

Tidying Your Home with Brother and The KonMari Method®
Esther Tan with the Brother P-Touch Cube printers.

By simply asking people if their belongings spark joy, she turned the art of tidying into a global movement. Now, Marie Kondo has a legion of certified consultants around the world who help clients tidy their homes and lives.

One such consultant is Esther Tan, founder of Your Tidy Half. A KonMari® consultant, Tan offers tidying services to her clients.

One of Tan’s trade secrets? The Brother P-Touch Cube series. By using the P-Touch Design&Print 2 app, she can create personalised labels via the compact printer. In this interview, she shares three spaces at home that could benefit from the KonMari Method® and the Brother P-Touch Cube label printer.

The Kitchen

Tan says that decanting or removing food items from their original packaging and placing them in containers can increase their shelf life. “Using labels can help you remember what is in those containers and display their expiration dates,” she says. You can also create zones in your pantry or refrigerator with labels to keep track of inventory and plan grocery runs.

Tan suggests using the Brother P-Touch Cube to label your food items.

The Workspace

To increase productivity, Tan labels the drawers on her desk. She says it makes it easy for her to locate whatever she needs when she needs it. Labels also clearly identify stationery and electronic items. As far as documents go, Tan suggests to keep only important ones as hard copies and discarding everything else (e.g. information that can be found digitally). Using folders with labels can help with easy retrieval.

The Children’s Room

The playroom, a high-activity zone of the home, can be easily organised with labels to create a system. Tan labels the different shelves and storage spaces to keep everything in order. “The use of labels for toy storage also encourages kids to put away their toys after playtime,” says Tan. Parents can also use stick- or iron-on labels for other items. With this system, you can easily organise your children’s lives and have more time for yourself.

Labels are a great tool when organising the children’s room.

Watch Tan’s tidying secrets below.

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